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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Three Legs of Whole Body Health Part 2: Moving Well

Whole Body Health is composed of three distinct legs.  Today, I will discuss the second one: Moving Well.

Through a variety of chiropractic, orthopedic and neurological tests and x-rays, I check every patient for something that happens in the spine called a vertebral subluxation.  All of your nerves are extensions of your spinal cord and your spinal cord is a direct extension of your brain.  They are the same structure! Your nerves branch hundreds of thousands of times and go to every cell, tissue and organ of your body controlling function. Unfortunately, what can happen is the spine can get misaligned, which will put pressure on these nerves, disrupting the communication between the brain and the rest of the body.  When that happens it is called a vertebral subluxation.

Subluxations will lead to, among other things, headaches, dizziness, ringing in the ears, sinus/allergies, neck and shoulder pain, arthritis, pain and tingling arms, hands, legs and feet, thyroid dysfunction, asthma, stomach problems, constipation and the list goes on and on. 

The cycle starts with immobilization of the joints. Once you get immobilization, there is thickening of all the ligaments and capsular material around the joints which causes compression of the joint and the cartilage. This causes damage to the cartilage and the bone which then causes more immobilization that puts it into a cycle that keeps on going and keeps on going and keeps on going. This cycle won’t stop until it is stopped!  They way that it is stopped is through adjustments and chiropractic care.

It is important to take care of it right away because there is a cycle that occurs once there’s an injury to the spine. 

People say that their back doesn’t hurt so they don’t need a chiropractor.  Hopefully you see that it is much deeper than that.  Let me take it a step further.

Only 10% of the nerves carry pain signals while the other 90% are too busy carrying out the necessary functions of the body to get involved with pain signals.  That is why you don’t always know that subluxations are there.  You can lose 80% of kidney function, 90% of liver function or have a 60% - 70% blockage of your coronary artery before you have one symptom. Waiting for symptoms to develop can have devastating results on your health.  The first sign of a heart attack is the heart attack!  Cavities, cancer and heart disease do not cause symptoms right away. Dentists teach you to have your teeth checked for cavities and people never question it.  If you ask people whether cavities cause pain they will say “Yes”. If cavities caused pain why do we go to the dentist to see if we have them?

So, if you feel pain or have a symptom you are lucky because you know that something is wrong and you can do something about it.  That is called being reactive and living a reactive lifestyle can be devastating. Part of taking responsibility for and being committed to your health is taking preventative measures and not waiting for symptoms to develop.  That is called being proactive and living in a proactive world is rewarding on every level.

Your entire body runs off the nervous system and it is of crucial importance that it be free from interference.  That is the purpose of Chiropractic and Moving Well.  Call me and make an appointment today to have your spine and nervous system checked!
Yours in Health,
Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Next Post: The Three Legs of Whole Body Health Part 3: Eating Well


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