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Monday, November 7, 2011

Free Presentation at Charlotte Natural Healing - What is Nutrition Response Testing?

Did You Know...

Your body has the potential to fully repair itself when given the right nutrients?

If you are like others who come to us for help, then most likely:
  • You may have one or more health conditions that won't go away.
  • You have visited doctors, or even alternative practitioners, but the results weren't what you had hoped or expected.
  • Health conditions are significantly affecting your life. Perhaps this also affects your career, family, and/or personal finances.
  • You realize that these conditions are probably not going to get better unless the real source of the problem is found and corrected.
If this describes your situation, you need to attend this
Free Natural Healing Presentation.
Your chances of recovery have never been higher!

Join Natural Healing Expert Dr. Hozjan as he discusses a safe, natural, and effective strategy for PMS, Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Irritable Bowel, ADHD, Crohn's, Colitis, Interstitial Cystitis, Arthritis, Sleep Disturbances, Hepatits, Kidney or Gallstones, High Blood Pressure,
High Cholesterol, Heart Disease,
and many other barriers to health.

Free Demonstration of Nutrition Response Testing  and Special Offer for Initial Evaluation for everyone in attendance.
Tuesday, November 8
7pm - 8pm
4312 Park Road
Charlotte, 28209

Call 704-523-2367 Now!

Seats are Limited!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Home-Made Stress

Stress management image.Most of us create our own stress. Because deadlines don’t produce stress. Debt doesn’t produce stress. Traffic doesn’t produce stress. And having to speak in public doesn’t create stress. What causes these and countless other situations to be stressful is the “story” we make up to surround the deadline, the debt, the traffic and the presentation we have to give.

Your imagination artfully embellishes these stories, making them threatening.

“If I’m late for the meeting I’ll get fired, won’t be able to pay my bills, I’ll lose all my friends and find myself alone, living out of my car.”

Silly, isn’t it?  And this, from someone who claims that they don’t have a creative bone in their body!
Next time you find yourself feeling the symptoms of stress, consider these simple action steps:
  1. Breathe. Those who find themselves in a classic “fight or flight” situation often don’t breathe properly. Their short, shallow breaths reduce the oxygen supply to the critical thinking portions of their brain, resulting in poor judgment and decision-making.
  2. Listen. What story are you creating? What “movie” is playing in your head? What unlikely outcome are you projecting into the future? What are you “making up” that is causing you to experience fear? Jettison these unhelpful film clips you’re originating in your head in favor of simply stating the untainted facts about what is.
Nutrition Response Testing can’t reduce the psychological stress in your life. However, it can increase your capacity to withstand the stress you create by reducing the “noise” in your nervous system.  Call today to schedule your appointment.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Monday, August 29, 2011

Backpack Basics

Just because your child carries a heavy load academically doesn't mean he should carry a heavy load on his back!

Children's health issues imageMost school-aged children tote backpacks as the preferred means to transport their books and supplies. Chiropractors around the country are seeing younger and younger practice members complaining of back and shoulder pain. Could there be a connection?

Backpack Safety International™, an educational program that promotes and delivers guidelines for safe backpack use to administrators, teachers, parents and children, advocates the following four steps to ensure safe backpack use:
  • Choose right - the backpack should fit between the child’s shoulder blades and not hang below the waist.
  • Pack right - The maximum weight of the loaded backpack should never exceed 10 to 15 percent of your child’s body weight, so pack wisely.
  • Lift right - Face the backpack, bend at the knees, lift the backpack with the legs and apply one shoulder strap and then the other.
  • Wear right – use both shoulder straps and make them snug, but not too tight. Use the waist strap, if available.
Increased awareness and education on this issue seems to be paying off. The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission reported that the number of emergency room visits related to backpack injuries is down from 7,860 to 7,649 over a one-year period.  Previously, the number of cases had risen significantly each year. Increased awareness of this issue may actually be paying off!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Friday, July 15, 2011

Are You Hungry?

Diet and nutrition image.Do you eat to live? Or live to eat?

The average person eats approximately 1000 pounds of food each year. Surprising? Maybe, but why do we eat so much and what is the purpose of food? Actually, food is the fuel that gives the body energy and almost every process that takes place in your body requires energy.
We eat for the following reasons:
  • Growth and Development – Babies, children, teenagers and even adults need food to grow and to replace cells and tissue in the body.
  • Support of Body Functions – Most of the processes that take place in the body (breathing, digestion, circulation, etc.) require a lot of energy, and food provides that energy.
  • Movement – Physical activity, from crawling to walking to exercise, requires energy as well. How much energy depends on how much activity is taking place.
  • Nutrition – The body needs vitamins and minerals to stay in proper working order. Food is the main resource for these essential elements.
In order to stay healthy and provide the necessary energy to our bodies, we need to eat the proper amount of carbohydrates, fat, protein, minerals and vitamins and in the proper proportions.

How much we need to eat depends on a number of variables, including height, weight, age, gender and activity level. It’s important to remember that excess fuel is stored as fat and excess fat causes obesity.
Good nutrition, along with regular chiropractic care, is a key ingredient in living a healthy lifestyle, and providing optimum functionality to your body. Think about that the next time you go to grab a snack, and make it a healthy one!

Dietary anaylsis is a key compnonent of a complete Nutrition Response Testing Protocol.  Call today to schedule your appointment!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Forgive For the Health Of It

Wellness image.When we walk around harboring angry and bitter feelings toward someone who has done something hurtful or wrong to us, we hurt ourselves, not the person who committed the wrongdoing. Unresolved anger and resentment manifests itself in the way we live our lives and ultimately, they affect our health and quality of life.

Some issues that affect us deeply go way back. Back to childhood, even. Think of the effects that they have had on so many of our life experiences. Do you want to start anew? Are you interested in shaping how you respond to life from this point forward? Consider the notion of forgiveness. Forgiveness frees us of the burden of resentment and anger; the greater the hurt, the greater the benefits involved in forgiving the one who did the hurting.

Alexander Pope stated, "To err is human; to forgive, divine." Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting. Forgiving doesn’t mean accepting unacceptable behavior. Forgiving isn’t excusing another’s inexcusable actions. Forgiving is for you. Forgiveness is all about freedom from the one who wronged you. Forgiveness is a way to move on so the hurt no longer controls future life experiences and interactions with others.
The healing benefits of forgiveness include:
  • Decreased stress levels
  • Decreased anger and negative thoughts
  • Decreased anxiety and depression
  • Decreased vulnerability to substance abuse/addictive illness
It may be difficult to work through forgiveness on your own. Talk it out with someone you trust. Mental health professionals can also be useful in assisting you with identifying and forgiving real and/or perceived wrongdoings.
Whatever the hurt…forgiveness is the answer for you.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ritalin Risk

Children's health issues image.Character traits associated with ADHD/ADD include a chronic history of having a short attention span, being easily distracted, impulsivity, moderate to severe hyperactivity, minor neurological signs, abnormal EEG, impaired ability to learn…sounds like most normal children/teenagers! Aren’t they all easily distracted and impulsive? Yet, even though there is no single comprehensive test to diagnose ADHD (most consist of checklists of different types of observed behaviors), millions of prescriptions for Ritalin were written in 2005.

Some of the side effects associated with this mass-marketed psychotropic drug include:
  • Impaired thinking/memory loss due to decreased blood flow to the brain – similar to what happens to the brain on cocaine
  • Interference with the growth hormone, causing growth retardation, both brain and body, in children
  • Addiction, similar to that of cocaine
  • Insomnia, depression, mania, anxiety and an increase in the symptoms it is supposed to help
  • Decreased ability to learn
There are natural alternatives to Ritalin, and other prescribed medications, used to treat ADHD and ADD. Parents need to be informed about these alternatives and to understand that according to the package insert, “Sufficient data on safety and efficacy of long-term use of Ritalin in children are not yet available. Although a causal relationship has not been established, suppression of growth (i.e., weight gain, and/or height) has been reported with the long-term use of stimulants in children. Therefore, practice members requiring long-term therapy should be carefully monitored.”

Often children are diagnosed with ADHD when what they really have is a food allergy, sugar addiction, hypoglycemia or hearing/vision problems. We would be happy to talk to you about your child’s problems and to review with you the many alternatives that are available to deal with your child’s condition. Call us to schedule a Nutrition Response Testing Analysis of your child.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Friday, June 17, 2011

What The Heck Is Pilates?

Pilates and chiropractic are a powerful pair.

Exercise and fitness image.
You may have heard about Pilates (pronounced puh LAH teez), a form of fitness training, but how does it help your body?

Pilates combines strength and flexibility training, using exercises that tone and condition the entire body. Particular attention is paid to building and developing the area of the body called the “powerhouse,” the core region of the body that includes the abdomen, pelvis, lower back and buttocks.

Pilates also creates a powerful mind-body connection, developed through proper breathing technique and concentration on smooth body movements to achieve better mental and physical health and reduce stress.
Some of the benefits of Pilates include:
  • Increases flexibility and agility
  • Develops muscle strength, without “bulking” up
  • Reduces stress
  • Provides effective rehabilitation for injuries
  • Flattens abdominals and strengthens back muscles
  • Provides a gentle, low-impact, whole body workout
  • Increases energy, invigorates the body
  • Strengthens the mind-body connection
  • Alleviates back pain
  • Improves body posture and movement
Many gyms offer Pilates classes and Pilates tapes are available in many places that sell videos. You might want to rent one and try it out before investing in it. It only takes a few weeks to produce a noticeably toned body and it may very well be the workout that works for you!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Don't Nuke Those Veggies!

Proper preparation retains more of your food's nutrients.

Diet and nutrition image.What’s the best way to prepare vegetables? Steam them? Microwave them? Boil them?

Vegetables are a key source of antioxidants ~ cancer-fighting compounds that also help prevent heart disease. The disease-fighting benefits of vegetables can be affected by the way in which they are prepared.

The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture reported the results of a study that involved several ways of preparing broccoli. Broccoli that was microwaved lost 97 percent of flavonoids, 74 percent of sinapics and 87 percent of caffeoyl-quinic derivatives (three different types of antioxidants). When boiled, the broccoli lost 66 percent of its flavonoids and when tossed in a pressure cooker, it lost 47 percent of its caffeoyl-quinic derivatives.

However, steamed broccoli lost only 11 percent of flavonoids, 0 percent of sinapics and 8 percent of caffeoyl-quinic derivatives. Steamed vegetables do not come in direct contact with the boiling water so their nutritional elements are not lost or boiled away.

Microwave ovens heat vegetables from the inside and also use water, a combination that virtually destroys valuable antioxidants.

Still…if it comes down to eating microwaved vegetables or no vegetables at all…microwaved wins!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Just Dance!

Dancing isn't just fun, it's great exercise.

Wellness imageCan’t get into those yoga positions? Pilates just isn’t your style? Want to relax, feel great and burn calories? Dance! That’s right ~ dance!

The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, published by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture recommends that adults engage in at least 30 minutes of moderately intense, or more vigorous, physical activity daily. Moderately intense exercise raises your heart rate and gets your blood pumping, and 30 minutes of dancing can certainly do that!

So sign up for a local dance class and enjoy some of the health benefits of dancing that include:
  • Burning calories
  • Reduced risk of osteoporosis
  • Increased blood flow to the brain
  • Reduction in stress
  • Social interaction that wards off loneliness and depression
  • Increased motor skill and agility
  • Feelings of accomplishment when a new step is learned
  • Reduced risk of dementia
  • New friendships
And who said that exercise can’t be fun?

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Monday, June 6, 2011

Power Napping

A 30-minute nap can actually make you MORE productive.

Stress management image.In his book, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Robert Fulgham advises, “Take a nap every afternoon.”  Many cultures embrace this philosophy.

An afternoon powernap can actually improve alertness and productivity in the workplace as many cultures who have long subscribed to “siesta time” already know. The rest of us have been slow to adopt the idea of napping on the job, although several professions, such as airline pilots and healthcare workers, actually encourage it, because of the consequences that could ensue if these workers are not alert at their jobs.

A team of Harvard researchers conducted a study to prove that napping helps the brain to process difficult tasks learned during the day. A group of volunteers were asked to complete a series of difficult tests. One third was not allowed to take a nap at all. One third was allowed to nap for 30 minutes and the last third was allowed an hour long nap.

All of the test-takers did their best early in the day. As expected, performance declined for those who did not nap at all, while it did not for those who took a 30 minute nap. Those who napped for an hour actually did better on post-nap test tasks than they did in those they did in late-morning.

Hopefully, the idea of the 30 minute “power nap” will soon become as widely accepted as the “coffee break” to refresh one’s mind… and spirit!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hormone Replacement Therapy Alternatives

There are natural alternatives to traditional HRT.

Women's health issues image.No subject has raised as much concern among menopausal women in recent years as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). HRT, which consists of estrogen or combined estrogen-progestin therapy, has been widely prescribed for years to relieve the symptoms of menopause and prevent osteoporosis. HRT has been considered helpful in relieving flushing, vaginal dryness and mood swings associated with menopause.

But in 2002, a large Women’s Health Initiative clinical study was stopped after early findings revealed that HRT after menopause raised a woman's risk of breast cancer, heart attacks, strokes and blood clots.

As a result of these findings, many women have opted for natural alternatives to HRT. They have shifted their thinking to accept menopause simply as a normal life stage as opposed to a “disease” that requires medical treatment.

Natural approaches to menopause include healthier eating habits and increased calcium intake, herbal supplements and alternative approaches, such as chiropractic care and acupuncture, to help a woman’s body regulate and balance itself during menopause, without the side effects and inherent health risks associated with HRT. In addition, regular exercise helps relieve stress and aids in preventing heart disease and osteoporosis.

Nutrition Response Testing will help to determine which endorcrine (hormone producing) organ(s) are not functioning properly.  Then, through Whole Food supplementation, herbs and homeopathics, we can feed and strengthen those weakened systems, naturally.  Call today for a Nutrtion Response Testing Analysis.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lift Right!

Improper lifting techniques like these can damage your back - and your sofa!

Incorrect LiftingAccording to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than a million workers suffer back injuries each year, and they account for one out of every five workplace injuries or illnesses.
Many back injuries, both on the job and in the home, are the result of improper lifting. Remember to practice proper lifting technique to prevent serious injury to your back.

  1. Plan ahead – know the weight of the object and where you are going; clear the path you will be using.
  2. Make sure you are on firm footing; keep your feet spread apart, one foot slightly ahead of the other.
  3. Squat down - bend at the knees, keeping your back straight and your head level, to pick up the object.
  4. Avoid jerky movements; lift smoothly as you straighten your legs.
  5. Keep the object close to your body -holding it away from you places stress on your back.
  6. Turn with your feet instead of twisting your body at the waist.
  7. Never bend at the waist to pick up an object!
Keep in mind that if an object is particularly heavy, you may need a hand truck, a dolly, or another person to assist you with moving it. Don’t compromise your safety or your back to lift any object.

If you or anyone you know has injured their back from lifting, the best plan of action is to schedule a visit to have the health of their spine checked.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Financial Spinal Stress

Financial stress?Ever woken up in the middle of the night wondering how you were going to pay the bills? Then you know that a car payment or the electric bill can affect your health!

There are three types of stress: physical, emotional and chemical. Financial worries (and other anxieties) fall into the emotional stress category. And chiropractic can be helpful.

All three types of stress affect your nervous system. Like a chain that breaks at its weakest link, stress tends to show up where we are most vulnerable. Our neck. Our low back. Tightness between our shoulders. Stress can increase the frequency of headaches and compromise our ability to get enough restful sleep.

Chiropractic care, with its purpose of reducing neurological stress, can be helpful. Of course chiropractic care can't eliminate stress, but it can sure improve your ability to tolerate it. Regular chiropractic care now could be a wise investment for a healthier, happier and financially secure you!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Monday, May 16, 2011

Oh, My Aching Head

Headaches have common triggers and many can be avoided.

Headaches and neck pain image.It’s back again ~ that all too familiar throbbing pain in your head. You suffer from them regularly, but do you know what actually causes your chronic headaches?

The pain you feel when you have a headache is not located in your brain, even though it feels that way. The pain is actually sensed by nerve endings located in your head and neck. Many types of events, inside and outside of your body, serve as “triggers” that can bring on a headache. Knowing what most often triggers your headaches can help you avoid them.

The most common triggers are emotional (stress, anger, anxiety), food-related (eating processed foods such as perserved sandwhich meats, alcohol, nuts and dairy products), hormonal (birth control pills, menstruation, menopause), environmental (noise, air travel, changes in temperature or humidity), or physiological (illness, skipping a meal, overtiredness).

A study, conducted by Dr. Eisenberg at Harvard University, reported that chiropractors are the most common alternative health provider consulted for headache pain. Chiropractors are trained to locate and correct misalignments in the vertebrae in the upper spine and neck. These misalignments put pressure on adjacent nerves ~ pressure that can cause your headaches.

So, instead of reaching for the headaches pills the next time you feel a headache coming on, call our practice and have your spine checked instead!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What Do You Think Is Important?

We have it made these days, with all of the conveniences our grandparents couldn't even dream of!

How we use time to fulfill our priorities can be a major source of stress.But what with cell phones, overnight delivery, drive up windows, microwave ovens, texting and the like, it seems the latest time-saving technology does little more than increase expectations and make us even busier than we were before we had all these modern "conveniences."

How we use time to fulfill our priorities can be a major source of stress.

How you use this most precious of all resources reveals a lot about your purpose and what you value.

Many of us work 60 and 70 hours a week in the hopes of having a better life for our families. But our families hardly see us. Could it be that we actually find our work more rewarding and fulfilling than our families?

Turns out that success, achievement and a sense of peace are not destinations. You can have them instantly by slowing down and counting your blessings. Embrace an attitude of gratitude. Check your priorities.

Stress is something we do to ourselves by what we think is important. And while chiropractic care can help each of us better accommodate stress, a better strategy is to slow down and make sure we’re investing our time in what’s really important.

What do you think is important?  Make your health and the health of your family a priority.  Schedule a chiropractic and/or a Nutrition Response Testing analysis today!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Monday, May 9, 2011

Addicted to Adjustments?

Addicted to coffee.We’ve all heard the cliché that once you go to a chiropractor, you have to go for the rest of your life. Fearing that they’ll get “addicted” to adjustments or become dependent upon them has stopped many people from benefiting from chiropractic. But it all depends upon what you want.

Temporary Relief Depending upon your problem, how long you’ve had it and countless other factors, we’ve seen practice members enjoy relief in as little as a visit or two. Yet, without continued care they're inviting a relapse of their original problem since healing supporting muscles and ligaments happens with continued care after symptoms subside.

Patch or Fix After enjoying a reduction in your original symptoms, it’s wise to continue your care so more lasting changes can be made. Some find that it can take months of care to see a lasting resolution of their problem. Again, it varies from person to person.

Prevention and Wellness Many of us choose to continue our chiropractic care on a periodic basis—even when we’re feeling great. Our objective is to stay well after we get well. This way we can better deal with life’s stresses before they become full blown problems. It’s based on the same wisdom of having periodic eye or dental exams.

We offer choices so you can benefit from chiropractic care for as long as you wish. After all it’s your health. You should be the one to decide.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Amazing Weight Loss Results…..Naturally!
15 Pounds in 23 Days!
40 Pounds in 40 Days!
Do Drops….Not Shots!
Do you want a lean body, increased self confidence and a new wardrobe?
Are you ready to have it now? 
This is the program for you!

Homeopathic HCG works as well or better as compared to the HCG injections or sublingual sprays. No refrigeration is required of the drops and there's no pain or potential for infection, like with shots or injections.
Be prepared to lose on average between .8 and 2 lbs per day.  This usually results in 10 to 15 pounds on the 23 day program and 30 to 40 pounds on the 40 day program.
HCG is responsible for making the abnormal fat reserves of the body available to be burned as fuel. In pregnancy it is used to protect the nutritional health of the growing baby, however, in conjunction with this program it is used to rid the body of abnormal fat deposits.  This program works equally well in both men and women.
Rest assured that the HCG helps to stave off any hunger pangs that a restricted diet may cause. With the introduction of HCG, thousands of extra calories begin to flood the system from the abnormal fat being metabolized. For this reason, HCG diets are easier to stick to than the traditional diets that simply restrict calories. When a program is easy to stick to, success is the end result!
Even though only 500 calories are being taken in daily during this program, using HCG, the body is still burning 2500-3000 calories daily. It's just that the other is coming from the body's fat, not your food. If you didn't use HCG and only ate 500 calories, you would starve. With HCG, you don't. You become lean!

You don't need to come to my office to use this program.  I have patients in Canada, Australia and all over the United States! 

What are you waiting for?  Your new body is only 40 days away!

Yours in Health,
Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What Do Adjustments Do?

Bones are static structures. They only move when acted upon by a muscle. And muscles only contract when commanded by your nervous system.Probably the biggest chiropractic misconception revolves around the adjustment.

Naturally, we chiropractors think the adjustment is pretty special.

Chiropractors understand that the underlying cause of many health problems is from nervous system disturbances along the spine. This often shows up as one or more spinal bones that are stuck and not moving correctly. Many think that a chiropractic adjustment puts the wayward bone back into its proper position with the bones above and below it.

Actually, bones are static structures. They move when acted upon by a muscle. And muscles only contract when commanded by your nervous system. That’s why chiropractic is actually about the quality of your nervous system, not the condition of your spinal column.

Your body does the actual healing. The energy I supply with the adjustment just helps things along. I use everything I know about anatomy, physiology and spinal biomechanics to partner with your body’s wisdom. Repeated visits help retrain muscles and with time, your body can “right” itself.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Monday, May 2, 2011

Good Feedback

You're probably familiar with the high-pitched squealing feedback of a megaphone. But there's another kind of feedback that helps keep us alive.

The wrong type of feedback!We all know that the brain and the rest of the nervous system orchestrate the function of every cell, tissue, organ and system of the body. Most of these impulses travel down the spinal cord and then out from between each spinal joint to service every part of the body.

Beat the heart! Secrete enzymes! Inhale! Blink! Make blood cells! Perspire! Produce stomach acid! Beat the heart!

It's a full time job. Good thing we don't have to think about all this or we wouldn't have time to do anything else.

Of course, any interference or distortion of these controlling nerve messages and the heart doesn't beat correctly, the lungs don't fully inflate and our stomach produces too much or too little acid.

But there's more. Organs and tissues originate their own messages that flow back up to the brain confirming that the instruction was received and acted upon.

Did it! Done! Got it! Sure thing! Will do! Okay! I'm on it! Did it!

This feedback is crucial. If a vertebral subluxation compromises the signal to (or from) any tissue, it won't work properly.

The result? Ill health!

Have your spine checked and get a Nutrition Response Testing Analysis completed today!  Schedule an appointment for you or a loved one by calling our office.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Once You Go...

Don't be scared!It keeps a lot of people from benefiting from chiropractic: they're afraid that they will somehow get "addicted" to our care!

While many of our practice members choose to come in on a regular basis when they're feeling great, they don't have to. They want to. For...
  • The early detection of vertebral subluxations
  • Avoiding a relapse of their original problem
  • Being their best and staying well
These are choices practice members make, based on their understanding of what we do and how they value their health. I guess it's mostly about priorities. Each of us gets to choose how much attention we want to give our health. We honor that choice. Sure, we explain the benefits of periodic checkups, but our job is to offer the finest chiropractic care possible, and then it's entirely up to you to decide how much of it you want.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Organic Foods - Unplugged

It's exciting to see all the new-found interest in organic foods, pure drinking water, exercise and fitness.
Yet, many of these well-intentioned, health-conscience people are wasting their money.

There's a growing interest in healthy habits but...

If you know someone who is shopping organically and reducing their dependence upon processed foods, but not getting regularly adjusted, they may be overlooking a key point.

Let's say you go to your favorite supermarket for your weekly shopping. And because you've wisely shopped the perimeter of the store where the fresh foods are, you return home and put things away in your fridge.  But you overlooked one little detail. It's not plugged in! So the fridge has a major vertebral subluxation at the electrical outlet.

In the same way your fridge cannot preserve, protect and prolong the vitality of your foods without a properly functioning electrical system, your body cannot properly digest, assimilate and eliminate foods with a vertebral subluxation interfering with your digestive system.

So it doesn't matter how healthy your organic food choices are, because your body won't be making the most of those healthy choices.

Your nervous system runs the whole show. If it doesn't work right, you don't work right. And if you're not working right you can't fully benefit from organic food, gym membership and other healthy habits.  Have your spine and nervous system checked and update your Nutrrtion Response Testing Analysis today! 

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sick Of Debt?

 Sick of Debt? Or, more accurately, sick from debt?  Too many bills can drain your health along with your savings.  Excessive debt can eat away at your health, as well as your bank account.

Wellness image.There is an epidemic plaguing many people today and it’s called debt stress. 

Credit card companies and retail outlets have made it easier to obtain credit on demand and they are perfectly agreeable to generous credit limits. But all of this “generosity” comes with a high price tag – exorbitant interest rates that make it relatively easy to amass a lot of debt in a short period of time and minimum payments that barely put a dent in the amount owed.

The average homeowner has 10 credit cards, each with an average interest rate of 19%. Paying only the minimum payment means it would take years to pay each card off. And all of this debt is causing a lot of stress and health-related concerns for plenty of people.

Mental disorders, migraines, heart disease, high blood pressure, weight gain/loss, insomnia – these are just a few of the by-products of debt stress. For some, spending is an addiction, just like alcohol, drugs or gambling, and it needs to be treated in much the same way.

What can you do about your overwhelming and out-of-control debt? Here are some suggestions to help you regain control of your debt and your health:
  • Seek the advice and guidance of a reputable credit counselor.
    Contact your creditors and advise them of your situation before you are late or miss a payment; many will work with you to set up financially feasible payment schedules.
  • Reduce spending and stop incurring new debt.
  • Use a debit card instead of a credit card.
  • Use money in a savings account that is earning minimal interest, to pay off any high-interest credit cards.
It is possible, with determination and the adoption of some new spending rules, to regain your credit and your personal health. It starts with admitting that you have a problem and moving on from there to help yourself.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Good or Bad?

Meat. Good or bad?It seems a week doesn't pass that we don't hear something in the media about the dangers of eating, drinking or coming into contact with one substance or another. Even more confusing is that if you wait long enough, someone else comes out with another study extolling its health benefits!

Consider some of things that the "authorities" have flip-flopped about concerning their safety:
Sushi, Red meat, NutraSweet, Sucralose, Saccharin, Dyes, Perfumes, High fat foods, Eggs, Decaffeinated coffee, White bread, Hot dogs, Sugar, White flour, Coffee, Carbohydrates, Tap water, Margarine, Butter, Wheat, GM corn, Fluoride, Silver fillings, Tuna, Bacon.

Consider this. For every person who has had an adverse effect, millions have not. In fact, we've all heard of those in their 80s, 90s or older claiming their secret to longevity was the result of eating or drinking something we've been told is bad for us.

Hmmm. Maybe it's not just the substances. Maybe it's our attitude, stress level, ability to adapt (nervous system integrity), the toxicity of our environment and a constellation of countless other issues at play. What do you think?

A Nutrition Response Testing Analysis will accurately determine how your body is reacting to a variety of stressors including heavy metals, food sensitivities, other chemicals, virus, bacteria, parasites, yeast, fungus and more!  Call today for an analysis!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Do You Get the Message

Getting the message?Many people think chiropractic is about bones, especially spinal bones. But the fact is, we're much more interested in nerves. In particular, the nerve messages that travel between the brain and the body and from the body back to the brain.

Any type of disruption can distort or disturb the integrity of the controlling and regulating messages from the brain. The result can be ill health.

A common culprit is the 24 moving bones of the spine that cover your spinal cord. When spinal bones lose their normal motion or position, it can irritate nearby nerves. Because the nervous system controls every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body, chiropractic care can help a wide variety of health problems.

Maybe you know someone who has been told that it"s "all in their head" or that they"ll have to "learn to live with it." Worse, someone who thinks they have a muscle relaxer shortage! Send them our way or forward our blog and practice website to them.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Monday, April 18, 2011

Pain is Not the Problem

Pain can be distracting, but that's the point!Many people begin chiropractic care because of an ache or a pain. Pain can be distracting, debilitating, irritating or annoying. Pain can be chronic, acute, intense or intermittent. Pain can be sharp or dull, specific or general.

But pain is not the problem!

Pain is a symptom. A signal. A sign. Pain is no more a problem than a traffic signal or your alarm clock announcing that it's time to start the day. If there's a problem, it's the meaning we attach to the pain.

When we meet practice members who are in pain, besides being compassionate, our first thought is that they must have exceeded some physical, chemical or emotional limit to which they can no longer adapt. So, while we're interested in the pain, we're even more interested in what was the underlying cause of the pain. Plus, what should the practice member do to avoid this in the future?

Do you know someone who thinks pain is a problem? Please send them our way. Because in our practice pain is never a problem

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Friday, April 15, 2011

If I Could Do It All Again...

We all get caught up in the busy-ness of life, and sometimes the most important things are the very things we neglect.

A poem for parents!Fortunately, we can change that habit any time we choose! Don't wait until your kids are grown to think about what you'd like to do differently - do it differently now!

If I had my child to raise all over again...

I'd build self-esteem first, and the house later.

I'd finger paint more, and point the finger less.

I would do less correcting and more connecting.

I'd take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.

I would care to know less and know to care more.

I'd take more hikes and fly more kites.

I'd stop playing serious, and seriously play.

I'd ignore the stares and stare at more stars.

I'd do more hugging and less tugging.

I'd see the oak in the acorn more often.

I would be firm less often, and affirm much more.

I'd abandon my love of power, for the power of love.
    Be the extraordinary parent you always wanted to be. Today!

    Yours in Health,

    Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
    704 523 2367

    Wednesday, April 13, 2011

    Curves Ahead

    Spine ImageYour spine is made up of interconnected bones that provide numerous benefits to the body including:
              • Shock absorption
              • Balance
              • Flexibility
              • Movement
    The spine delivers these benefits through its spinal curves.

    During embryonic development, the spine has only one curve, called a kyphotic curve. Later, as a baby begins to experience significant motor development, such as sitting, crawling and walking, muscles begin to develop. As these muscles strengthen, they cause the formation of secondary curves, called lordotic curves.

    Four types of spinal curves:

        • Cervical Lordosis
        • Thoracic Kyphosis
        • Lumbar Lordosis
        • Sacral Kyphosis
    These curves are important because they allow the spine to support 10 times more weight than it could if it were straight. This is why it is important to follow the procedures for proper lifting. If you bend at the waist to pick something up, the spine straightens, putting you at far greater risk for injury than if you bend at the knees, maintaining the spinal curves, when lifting.

    Have your spine checked regularly.  Call today to schedule an appointment.

    Yours in Health,

    Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
    704 523 2367

    Tuesday, April 12, 2011

    Small Change

    Detecting the faint signals from space.Many health problems provide subtle warnings long before they become serious. Like radio telescopes scanning the heavens for the faintest signals from space, being aware of these early signs is important. If you ignore these quiet warnings, your body will increase these murmurings into something much louder to get your attention!

    Those of us who are keenly aware of our body are sensitive to things like:
    • Changes in digestion or intestinal gas.
    • Pain when attempting to turn or bend.
    • A new and persistent cough.
    • Increased frequency of urination.
    • Sudden loss or increase of weight.
    • Appearance of dark circles under the eyes.
    • Inability to fall asleep or stay asleep.
    Waiting until symptoms become pronounced makes correction more difficult. If you've been waiting for a problem to "go away on its own," call our practice for a thorough examination.   Nutrition Response Testing will accurately determine the cause and solution to your situation.
    Yours in Health,

    Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
    (704) 523-2367

    Monday, April 11, 2011

    Do You Have an Owner's Manual?

    Have you read your owner's manual?Each of us is given this amazing body that takes care of millions of details all by itself without us having to give it any conscious thought. This "autopilot" feature of our bodies gets many of our practice members into trouble. It prompts many to neglect some of the basic maintenance necessary for a long, trouble-free life.

    If our bodies came with a manual, exercise, getting the proper rest, eating nutritious foods and drinking enough pure water would all be mentioned. Neglect any of these and your body warns you with hunger, thirst, lack of energy and other symptoms.

    What else would be in the manual? Since your nervous system orchestrates everything, making sure yours is vertebral subluxation-free would also be mentioned. That's where we come in. That's the primary purpose of chiropractic care.

    Sure, pain can be a compelling motivator. However, it's a lot like waiting until you're starving to death to eat, or not drinking any water until you're delirious! Don't wait until you're "starving" - call us today to schedule an appointment for a chiropractic or Nutrition Response Testing checkup!

    Yours in Health,

    Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
    704 523 2367

    Thursday, April 7, 2011

    Seed or Soil?

    Imagine the freedom of learning that every effect has a cause!

    Seeds, like germs, have the potential to germinate.We take this idea for granted, but this was not always the case. In times past many believed that poor health came as punishment from the "gods" or just bad luck. It's difficult to keep and maintain one's health if you don't know what causes poor health.

    We see disease and poor health from a slightly different perspective. Germs are a lot like grass seed. They have the potential to germinate and become a healthy green lawn, but only if the circumstances are just right. If you've ever tried to start a lawn from scratch, you know it takes some effort.

    While grass seed needs the proper temperature, moisture, sunlight and soil conditions, all germs need is a lowered resistance due to stress. In fact, next time you get a cold, take an inventory of the physical, chemical or emotional stresses that you experienced in the days just prior to your cold.

    When your adaptive capacity is reduced, even the mildest stress can exhaust your reserves, creating the perfect environment for a host of diseases, aches and pains.

    One of the best ways to enjoy good health is to get regular chiropractic checkups and make sure your ability to adapt to stress is at full capacity with Nutrition Response Testing. 

    Yours in Health,

    Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
    704 523 2367

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    Word Origins

    The origins of words give clues to their meanings. When you explore the origins of certain words it can sometimes reveal new meaning and understanding. That's especially true with some of the words used in the realm of health care.

    Acute - from the Latin adjective acutus, meaning "sharp or pointed."

    Chiropractic - from the Greek cheir "hand" combined with praktikos "fit for doing." Or more simply, "done by hand."

    Disease - from the Old French desaise, a combination of des "away from" and aise "ease." Thus disease is a loss of ease.

    Doctor - from the Latin verb docere, meaning "to teach."

    Muscle - from the Latin musculus, "a little mouse." The Romans thought of the movement of muscles under the skin as the scurrying of mice!

    Pain - from the Latin poena, "a penalty or punishment."

    Spine - from the Latin spina, "a thorn or a prickly bush." Romans saw the many protuberances on the back and sides of the vertebrae as thorns.

    Vaccine - from the Latin vacca, "a cow" and the name of a viral disease of cattle called cowpox.

    Yours in Health,

    Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
    704 523 2367

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    The Last Straw

    Don't wait for the last straw! Regular maintenance is importantThe problem with lifestyle-caused diseases is that the damage happens slowly, often without even a hint of a symptom. Instead, like money in a savings account, it grows with compound interest.

    We see this all the time. When the symptoms finally show up and we get the call, the most common refrain is, 'But I didn't do anything.' Sure, bending down to pick up the newspaper shouldn't reduce a grown man to tears. But it was the countless years of ignoring the nagging aches and pains that did the damage. Bending over was merely the last straw.

    Ironically, the same people who subscribe to the "don't-fix-it-if-it's-not-broken" philosophy will fuss over their lawns, baby their car with fresh oil and filter and religiously replace their smoke detector batteries. So, why is a simple, "Honey, I think you should go in for a checkup" met with a determined and unexplainable resistance!

    Call today for a spinal exam and Nutrition Response Testing Analysis.  Don't wait for irreversible damage!

    Yours in Health,

    Dr. Jeremy Hozjan

    Friday, April 1, 2011

    Brain-to-Stomach Stomach- to-Brain

    Stomach pain may be a communication error!Controlling and regulating nerve impulses leave your brain, travel down your spinal cord to pairs of nerve roots exiting from between each pair of spinal bones and out to every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body.

    Simultaneously, messages from the body are constantly sent back to the brain. Even the slightest distortion or disturbance of these vital messages to or from the brain can produce malfunctioning organs or tissues.

    This is why a stomach problem may not be a stomach problem! Instead, it might be a brain-to-stomach or stomach-to-brain communication problem.

    Locating and reducing these communication impairments with safe and natural chiropractic care and/or Nutrition Response Testing can help restore proper function and good health.

    With Nutrition Response Testing, I have provided support and relief for a variety of conditions including, but not limited to, weight loss, Crohn's, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, heartburn, lactose intolerance, and a variety of other barriers to good health.  If you or someone you know suffers from any of these conditions, the best plan of action is to call my office and setup an appointment.

    Yours in Health,

    Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
    704 523 2367

    Thursday, March 31, 2011

    Do You Break the Rules?

    The rules are simple. You probably already know them.Turns out, the quality of our health is the result of a set of very simple rules. Play by the rules and you have the best chance for optimum health.

    Break the rules and you'll pay for it. Not always immediately, but eventually. Here are 10 of the most obvious ones:

    1.You shall breathe. If you stop breathing, breathe in a shallow manner or inhale pollutants, there will be price to be paid.

    2.You shall ingest nutrition. Quality food is needed to fuel, grow and repair your body.

    3.You shall expel wastes. If you expel wastes too quickly or too slowly, you'll suffer.

    4.You shall hydrate. Drink enough so you never feel thirsty.

    5.You shall move. A sedentary lifestyle causes stagnation, poor circulation and hampers the function of the lymphatic system.

    6.You shall rest. Your body needs time to renew and repair.

    7.You shall adapt to your environment. The nervous system orchestrates every cell and tissue.

    8.You shall love. Love your neighbor as yourself.

    9.You shall forgive. Forgive others and forgive yourself.

    10.You shall die. Many try to break this one, but it's natural. It's part of the plan.

    Valuing your health and following the rules permits you to live a purposeful life!

    Yours in Health,

    Dr. Jeremy Hozjan

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011

    Spinal Link To Asthma

    Australian research shows chiropractic care beneficial for those with asthma.A report funded by the Australian Spinal Research Foundation suggests a link between chiropractic and the reduction of asthma symptoms.

    According to Macquarie University researcher Dr. Ray Hayek, the study involved hundreds of people with asthma symptoms.
    "When an asthma sufferer is under the anxiety of a looming asthma attack, the levels of the hormone cortisol increase. This acute increase in cortisol through a number of mechanisms can bring on an asthma attack," says Dr. Hayek. "Levels of the stress hormone cortisol steadily decreased during the trial, and levels of immunological markers (immunoglobulin A) steadily rose."

    Apparently, reducing stress to the nervous system with chiropractic care reduces the likelihood of asthma attacks. More proof that chiropractic care, because of its focus on the nervous system, may be helpful for a wide variety of health complaints.

    Yours in Health,

    Dr. Jeremy Hozjan

    Tuesday, March 29, 2011

    Happy New You!

    One of the trillions of things your body does with no input from you, is replace old cells with healthy new ones.
    Every day you're a new you. Happy New You!It's happening right now: New stomach lining, every 5 days. New skin, every 28 days. New liver, every 42 days.

    Your body creates 1,000,000,000 new cells every hour. This renewal process replaces the old you with a whole new you, allowing you to heal. It's also why continued chiropractic care can be so helpful.

    Your body relies on your current pattern and structure as a guide for the placement of new cells. Regular chiropractic care and a Nutrition Response Testing Protocol designed specifically for you helps establish new, healthier patterns and structures. This has created an entirely new way to see health. It's called: wellness.

    What is your wellness plan?

    Yours in Health,

    Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
    704 523 2367

    Monday, March 28, 2011

    What's Your Comfort Food?

    What makes comfort food comforting?

    Backaches and sciatica image.You’re sick in bed and longing for some of your mother's homemade chicken soup. Or…your daughter just broke up with her boyfriend of several months and is diving into the chocolate like there’s no tomorrow. Or…your son just lost his school championship football match and he asks you to make him his favorite dinner – a cheeseburger with extra onions!
    What do all these scenarios have in common? Comfort food – food that makes you feel good, like a favorite childhood security blanket or a warm, lingering hug from Grandma.

    Comfort foods tend to be gender specific. While men generally opt for hearty stews, meat and mashed potatoes, and soups when they need to “feel better,” women typically go in for the “quick fix” like chocolate or ice cream, foods they typically can just “grab” and don’t have to spend time making for themselves.
    Comfort food preferences are usually established in early childhood and are carried forward into adulthood. They are based on associations that evoke pleasurable psychological feelings that are soothing and result in physical comfort as well, as well as temporary relief from stress or disappointment.

    What’s your comfort food?

    Feed your body properly.  Proper nutrition and regular chiropractic care will provide balance and healing to your body and help to minimize some of the more unhealthy cravings.  Call today!

    Yours in Health,

    Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
    704 523 2367

    Friday, March 25, 2011

    Fear of Fevers

    Is your child's fever a reason to worry? Usually not - here's why.  A fever is just the body's attempt to self-regulate.

    Children's health issues image.Your child wakes up in the middle of the night crying. You rush into her room and pick her up to soothe her. You start to panic because she literally appears to be on fire with fever. How serious is this and what should you do?

    Many parents needlessly worry about their children’s fevers. What few know is that a fever is the body’s natural response to an infection. A fever in and of itself is not a disease; it’s the body’s natural way to respond to certain illnesses. A fever lets the immune system know to produce antibodies to fight the infection. Interfering with this process may actually prevent the immune system from doing its job.

    Many parents, fearful that a fever can cause seizures, brain damage or worse, over-medicate their children with ibuprofen and similar medications. Seizures are rare in fevers less than 108 degrees Fahrenheit (42 degrees Celsius).

    What can a parent do for a child with a fever?
    • Give your child plenty of fluids to keep him/her from becoming dehydrated. Dehydration can raise the fever even higher. Check to make sure your baby has at least 8-10 wet diapers per day or that your older child goes to the bathroom at least every four hours.
    • If the child is also nauseous, make sure you give the child sips through a dropper.
    • Don’t force-feed the child, or make him/her eat when they are not hungry.
    • Dress, or undress, your child to keep them comfortable.
    Keep in mind that the body is self-regulating. Fevers really do serve a purpose – to keep those “bugs” at bay!

    Nutrition Response Testing will indentify the precise "immune challenge" that your body is fighting.  I will test you for yeast, fungus, virus, bacteria and parasites and then identify the precise nutrients your body needs to overcome that "immune challenge". 

    Yours in Health,

    Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
    704 523 2367

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011

    Do You Get Enough?

    It's natural and absolutely essential for proper digestion. What is it? 
    Diet and nutrition image.Got fiber?

    You hear a lot about how you need fiber in your diet, but just how important is it to your body and how does it help you?
    The Institute of Medicine recommends a daily fiber intake of 38 grams for men and 25 grams for women for anyone under 50; for those over 50, the numbers are 30 and 21 respectively. However, many get only about half that amount each day.

    Eating the proper amount of fiber has significant health benefits including:
    • Lower cholesterol
    • Lower incidence of constipation
    • Feeling of “fullness” that can lead to weight loss
    • Reduced risk for colon cancer
    • Reduced risk for diabetes
    Natural fiber is the best way to increase fiber intake in your diet, making “artificial” fiber supplements unnecessary. Some of the best sources of natural fiber include:
    • Nuts – one of the best sources of fiber. Eating a handful a day is a great way to add natural fiber to your diet.
    • Vegetables - Fibrous vegetables like spinach, broccoli, cabbage, squash, asparagus, cucumbers and Brussels sprouts provide the most benefit. If the vegetable has skin or seeds – these make it even more fiber-rich!
    • Fruit – Leave the skin on please because it is a major source of fiber! The seeds in berries are also a major source of fiber! You should definitely help yourself to several servings of these each day!
    • Seeds – Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds all provide an excellent source of fiber and they make a great snack too!
    • Legumes – Beans, especially green beans as opposed to the dried variety, are a fiber-filled food.
    Keep in mind that it is important to make sure you drink plenty of water each day in order to make the fiber you eat more productive.

    Of course there is no "One Diet Fits All".  Call today for a Nutrition Response Testing Analysis.  This involves testing of all your glands and organs against food sensitivities, immune challenges, heavy metals and a complete dietary analysis  to ensure your body is getting the specific nutrients it needs.

    Yours in Health,

    Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
    704 523 2367

    Tuesday, March 22, 2011

    Kissed By The Sun

    Getting that bronzed glow makes some people feel more attractive. But at what price?  That 'healthy' glow isn't healthy at all.

    Backaches and sciatica image.Millions of people visit tanning salons in order to keep that year-round “kissed by the sun” glow. What many of them fail to realize is that “glow” may someday cause malignant melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer.

    Is this fake idea of health worth the risk?

    Tanning salons promote their services by claiming that their beds emit UVA rays rather than the potentially more harmful UVB rays. However, a 15-20 minute session in a tanning bed equals an entire day of outdoor tanning and UVA rays can be just as damaging to the skin and to the immune system as UVB rays. In fact, the UVA rays emitted from a tanning bed lamp are three times as powerful as those from direct sunlight!

    What are some of the more serious long-term effects of UVA exposure? They include:
    • Eye damage
    • Immune system changes
    • Wrinkles and premature aging of the skin
    • Cataracts
    • Sun spots/pigmentation changes on skin
    • Skin cancer
    Although anyone who is exposed to UVA rays may be at risk, some are at greater risk, particularly those who have blond, light brown or red hair, those with fair skin, those who burn easily, those who have blue, green or gray eyes, and those who often burn before tanning.   Women, and especially teenage girls frequent tanning salons more often than their male counterparts, making them more vulnerable to the increased risks and damaging effects of UVA exposure.

    Research suggests that exposure to the sun is essential to good health. Clearly, tanning booths and exposure to unnaturally high levels of ultraviolet light can compromise your health and later on, your appearance!

    Yours in Health,

    Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
    704 523 2367