“If I’m late for the meeting I’ll get fired, won’t be able to pay my bills, I’ll lose all my friends and find myself alone, living out of my car.”
Silly, isn’t it? And this, from someone who claims that they don’t have a creative bone in their body!
Next time you find yourself feeling the symptoms of stress, consider these simple action steps:
- Breathe. Those who find themselves in a classic “fight or flight” situation often don’t breathe properly. Their short, shallow breaths reduce the oxygen supply to the critical thinking portions of their brain, resulting in poor judgment and decision-making.
- Listen. What story are you creating? What “movie” is playing in your head? What unlikely outcome are you projecting into the future? What are you “making up” that is causing you to experience fear? Jettison these unhelpful film clips you’re originating in your head in favor of simply stating the untainted facts about what is.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367
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