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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Do You Break the Rules?

The rules are simple. You probably already know them.Turns out, the quality of our health is the result of a set of very simple rules. Play by the rules and you have the best chance for optimum health.

Break the rules and you'll pay for it. Not always immediately, but eventually. Here are 10 of the most obvious ones:

1.You shall breathe. If you stop breathing, breathe in a shallow manner or inhale pollutants, there will be price to be paid.

2.You shall ingest nutrition. Quality food is needed to fuel, grow and repair your body.

3.You shall expel wastes. If you expel wastes too quickly or too slowly, you'll suffer.

4.You shall hydrate. Drink enough so you never feel thirsty.

5.You shall move. A sedentary lifestyle causes stagnation, poor circulation and hampers the function of the lymphatic system.

6.You shall rest. Your body needs time to renew and repair.

7.You shall adapt to your environment. The nervous system orchestrates every cell and tissue.

8.You shall love. Love your neighbor as yourself.

9.You shall forgive. Forgive others and forgive yourself.

10.You shall die. Many try to break this one, but it's natural. It's part of the plan.

Valuing your health and following the rules permits you to live a purposeful life!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spinal Link To Asthma

Australian research shows chiropractic care beneficial for those with asthma.A report funded by the Australian Spinal Research Foundation suggests a link between chiropractic and the reduction of asthma symptoms.

According to Macquarie University researcher Dr. Ray Hayek, the study involved hundreds of people with asthma symptoms.
"When an asthma sufferer is under the anxiety of a looming asthma attack, the levels of the hormone cortisol increase. This acute increase in cortisol through a number of mechanisms can bring on an asthma attack," says Dr. Hayek. "Levels of the stress hormone cortisol steadily decreased during the trial, and levels of immunological markers (immunoglobulin A) steadily rose."

Apparently, reducing stress to the nervous system with chiropractic care reduces the likelihood of asthma attacks. More proof that chiropractic care, because of its focus on the nervous system, may be helpful for a wide variety of health complaints.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy New You!

One of the trillions of things your body does with no input from you, is replace old cells with healthy new ones.
Every day you're a new you. Happy New You!It's happening right now: New stomach lining, every 5 days. New skin, every 28 days. New liver, every 42 days.

Your body creates 1,000,000,000 new cells every hour. This renewal process replaces the old you with a whole new you, allowing you to heal. It's also why continued chiropractic care can be so helpful.

Your body relies on your current pattern and structure as a guide for the placement of new cells. Regular chiropractic care and a Nutrition Response Testing Protocol designed specifically for you helps establish new, healthier patterns and structures. This has created an entirely new way to see health. It's called: wellness.

What is your wellness plan?

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Monday, March 28, 2011

What's Your Comfort Food?

What makes comfort food comforting?

Backaches and sciatica image.You’re sick in bed and longing for some of your mother's homemade chicken soup. Or…your daughter just broke up with her boyfriend of several months and is diving into the chocolate like there’s no tomorrow. Or…your son just lost his school championship football match and he asks you to make him his favorite dinner – a cheeseburger with extra onions!
What do all these scenarios have in common? Comfort food – food that makes you feel good, like a favorite childhood security blanket or a warm, lingering hug from Grandma.

Comfort foods tend to be gender specific. While men generally opt for hearty stews, meat and mashed potatoes, and soups when they need to “feel better,” women typically go in for the “quick fix” like chocolate or ice cream, foods they typically can just “grab” and don’t have to spend time making for themselves.
Comfort food preferences are usually established in early childhood and are carried forward into adulthood. They are based on associations that evoke pleasurable psychological feelings that are soothing and result in physical comfort as well, as well as temporary relief from stress or disappointment.

What’s your comfort food?

Feed your body properly.  Proper nutrition and regular chiropractic care will provide balance and healing to your body and help to minimize some of the more unhealthy cravings.  Call today!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fear of Fevers

Is your child's fever a reason to worry? Usually not - here's why.  A fever is just the body's attempt to self-regulate.

Children's health issues image.Your child wakes up in the middle of the night crying. You rush into her room and pick her up to soothe her. You start to panic because she literally appears to be on fire with fever. How serious is this and what should you do?

Many parents needlessly worry about their children’s fevers. What few know is that a fever is the body’s natural response to an infection. A fever in and of itself is not a disease; it’s the body’s natural way to respond to certain illnesses. A fever lets the immune system know to produce antibodies to fight the infection. Interfering with this process may actually prevent the immune system from doing its job.

Many parents, fearful that a fever can cause seizures, brain damage or worse, over-medicate their children with ibuprofen and similar medications. Seizures are rare in fevers less than 108 degrees Fahrenheit (42 degrees Celsius).

What can a parent do for a child with a fever?
  • Give your child plenty of fluids to keep him/her from becoming dehydrated. Dehydration can raise the fever even higher. Check to make sure your baby has at least 8-10 wet diapers per day or that your older child goes to the bathroom at least every four hours.
  • If the child is also nauseous, make sure you give the child sips through a dropper.
  • Don’t force-feed the child, or make him/her eat when they are not hungry.
  • Dress, or undress, your child to keep them comfortable.
Keep in mind that the body is self-regulating. Fevers really do serve a purpose – to keep those “bugs” at bay!

Nutrition Response Testing will indentify the precise "immune challenge" that your body is fighting.  I will test you for yeast, fungus, virus, bacteria and parasites and then identify the precise nutrients your body needs to overcome that "immune challenge". 

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Do You Get Enough?

It's natural and absolutely essential for proper digestion. What is it? 
Diet and nutrition image.Got fiber?

You hear a lot about how you need fiber in your diet, but just how important is it to your body and how does it help you?
The Institute of Medicine recommends a daily fiber intake of 38 grams for men and 25 grams for women for anyone under 50; for those over 50, the numbers are 30 and 21 respectively. However, many get only about half that amount each day.

Eating the proper amount of fiber has significant health benefits including:
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Lower incidence of constipation
  • Feeling of “fullness” that can lead to weight loss
  • Reduced risk for colon cancer
  • Reduced risk for diabetes
Natural fiber is the best way to increase fiber intake in your diet, making “artificial” fiber supplements unnecessary. Some of the best sources of natural fiber include:
  • Nuts – one of the best sources of fiber. Eating a handful a day is a great way to add natural fiber to your diet.
  • Vegetables - Fibrous vegetables like spinach, broccoli, cabbage, squash, asparagus, cucumbers and Brussels sprouts provide the most benefit. If the vegetable has skin or seeds – these make it even more fiber-rich!
  • Fruit – Leave the skin on please because it is a major source of fiber! The seeds in berries are also a major source of fiber! You should definitely help yourself to several servings of these each day!
  • Seeds – Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds all provide an excellent source of fiber and they make a great snack too!
  • Legumes – Beans, especially green beans as opposed to the dried variety, are a fiber-filled food.
Keep in mind that it is important to make sure you drink plenty of water each day in order to make the fiber you eat more productive.

Of course there is no "One Diet Fits All".  Call today for a Nutrition Response Testing Analysis.  This involves testing of all your glands and organs against food sensitivities, immune challenges, heavy metals and a complete dietary analysis  to ensure your body is getting the specific nutrients it needs.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kissed By The Sun

Getting that bronzed glow makes some people feel more attractive. But at what price?  That 'healthy' glow isn't healthy at all.

Backaches and sciatica image.Millions of people visit tanning salons in order to keep that year-round “kissed by the sun” glow. What many of them fail to realize is that “glow” may someday cause malignant melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer.

Is this fake idea of health worth the risk?

Tanning salons promote their services by claiming that their beds emit UVA rays rather than the potentially more harmful UVB rays. However, a 15-20 minute session in a tanning bed equals an entire day of outdoor tanning and UVA rays can be just as damaging to the skin and to the immune system as UVB rays. In fact, the UVA rays emitted from a tanning bed lamp are three times as powerful as those from direct sunlight!

What are some of the more serious long-term effects of UVA exposure? They include:
  • Eye damage
  • Immune system changes
  • Wrinkles and premature aging of the skin
  • Cataracts
  • Sun spots/pigmentation changes on skin
  • Skin cancer
Although anyone who is exposed to UVA rays may be at risk, some are at greater risk, particularly those who have blond, light brown or red hair, those with fair skin, those who burn easily, those who have blue, green or gray eyes, and those who often burn before tanning.   Women, and especially teenage girls frequent tanning salons more often than their male counterparts, making them more vulnerable to the increased risks and damaging effects of UVA exposure.

Research suggests that exposure to the sun is essential to good health. Clearly, tanning booths and exposure to unnaturally high levels of ultraviolet light can compromise your health and later on, your appearance!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Monday, March 21, 2011

Getting On Your Nerves

Could that pain in your legs be sciatica? The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body, so when it's inflamed the pain is profound.

Backaches and sciatica image. 
Someone you know may have complained about a condition known as sciatica, but what is it? To understand the condition, it’s helpful to know a bit about the anatomy of the sciatic nerve.

The sciatic nerve is the largest and longest nerve in the body. It begins at the base of the spinal cord and extends down the length of each leg to the toes on each foot. The sciatic nerve is really made up of five separate nerves that come together, and at one point is the same diameter as your thumb!

The sciatic nerves provide sensation and strength to the leg and connect the spinal cord with muscles in the thigh, lower leg, and feet. Muscle weakness or a tingling sensation in the legs can result when the sciatic nerve has been compromised or compressed in some way.

An inflammation of the sciatic nerve or compression on the nerve can cause profound pain. This is the condition known as sciatica; symptoms of sciatica include a dull ache to moderate or even severe pain, shooting pains, numbness, or a tingling feeling in the legs. Individual symptoms and their severity can usually be traced back to where one of the five nerves originates in the lower back.

While treatment in the past may have included muscle relaxants, pain medicine and even surgery that had only a 60% success rate, chiropractic care has been shown to be quite effective in relieving the nerve interference and irritation that is causing the pain in the first place - the root cause of what's getting on your nerves!

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, and feel that sciatica may be the problem, please call our practice to schedule an appointment. A thorough examination will determine whether or not you have sciatica and we can discuss what can be done to help.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Friday, March 18, 2011

Small Bones. Big Job!

The Atlas and Axis are tiny bones that have a very important job.

headaches and neck pain image.When you think about the atlas and the axis – do you think about world geography? A globe? Or a pair of very important bones?

The first seven vertebrae in the spine make up what is known as the cervical spine. It begins right below the neck and ends where the 12 vertebrae of your mid-back, or thoracic spine, begin.

The two uppermost vertebrae at the top of the cervical spine are different from the others in this grouping because they provide the neck with the ability to rotate. The atlas (C1) is the first cervical vertebra; it is located between the skull and the remaining vertebrae of the spine. Directly below the atlas is the axis (C2).

Special ligaments link these two vertebrae, allowing a great deal of rotation between them.
When we talk about “head rotation,” we are really referring to the atlas rotating on the axis. These two bones, working in tandem, give your head its ability to turn from side to side.

Because the cervical spine is so flexible, it is quite susceptible to injury. When you hear about whiplash injuries sustained in a car crash, these two vertebrae are often involved. When you stop to consider that this relatively small area of the spine supports the head, it is easy to understand how abrupt head movement could cause damage, let alone a car crash with a violent head jerk!

If you or anyone you know has been in a car accident or had a trauma, regardless fo the severity, it is a good idea to have your spine checked for damage.  Call today to schedule a chiropractic examination.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Breaking Bad Habits

You're going to have habits anyway – why not make them good ones?  You really are strong enough to change bad habits into good ones!

Stress management image.Habits: good and bad, we all have them. Our good habits serve us well. Our bad habits hold us back, create more stress in our lives and make us miserable in the long run. Consciously choosing to replace something we know we shouldn’t do with something good for us is a wonderful thing—especially if it advances our health.

In order to turn bad habits into good ones, identify them. On a sheet of paper, list your bad habits. This is important because it raises your awareness. Bad habits attack when self-esteem is low. They often give us temporary pleasure, but usually make things worse. Being aware of a bad habit helps you to stop doing it. (If you can’t think of any bad habits, ask your spouse!)

To the right of your bad habit, think of an alternative behavior to each one and write it down. Next to your replacement habit, list some of the positive emotions or feelings that would result by substituting the good for the bad.

Exercise is a great tool to help you break bad habits. Exercise makes you feel better about yourself, which reinforces the benefits of exercising and makes you more likely to exercise again. As you become healthier and fitter, you’ll also become more productive and less likely to resume those old, bad habits.

Be easy on yourself as you make small changes in your life a little at a time. Breaking bad habits takes time and discipline.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
(704) 523-2367

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hot or Cold?

It's like the chicken and egg question... when to use ice, and when to use heat.  Don't make an injury worse by making the wrong choice!

Exercise and Fitness image.When should you apply heat? When should you use ice? Confusion abounds about these simple, yet helpful, procedures. Use heat in the wrong circumstances and you can make the problem worse. Here’s what to do and when to do it:

Think back to high school chemistry. How do you slow down a reaction? You make it cool. So, if you’re trying to reduce the inflammation resulting from a new injury, use ice. Ice constricts blood vessels, helping to avoid muscle spasms and reduce swelling. It can also slow nerve transmission of painful symptoms. Ice, when used properly, becomes a natural pain reliever. Apply an ice pack for short periods of time (15 to 20 minutes). Allow an equal amount of time between applications of ice so you don't compound the problem by risking frostbite!

On the other hand, if you want to speed up a reaction, add heat. Topical (or tropical!) heat can help increase blood circulation and help improve flexibility. If you have a history of chronic, long-standing joint and muscle stiffness, it can show temporary improvement with the application of moist heat or a hot bath. Just avoid the dry heat of a heating pad.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
(704) 523-2367

Friday, March 11, 2011

Olive Oil: Decoded

Virgin? EVOO? Does it matter? Are the differences in olive oil important, or purely cosmetic? Find out what all those olive oil descriptions mean to you.

Diet and Nutrition image.People in Mediterranean countries (such as Greece and Italy) eat a rather high 40 percent of their calories as unsaturated fats, mostly in the form of olive oil. If you're committed to cooking with an unsaturated oil and you stand in the supermarket aisle eying the olive oils, it's easy to become confused. You see pure olive oil, extra virgin olive oil and light olive oil. What do all these terms mean?

Consider the process of extracting oil from the olive:

The picked olives are washed and ground up. The resulting mulch is slightly warmed and mixed with water. A hydraulic press applies over a ton of pressure. The runoff is centrifuged or decanted to separate the oil from the water. This is what is referred to as a "first cold pressing" and the resulting oil is termed "extra virgin." This is the darkest, most delicate and flavorful oil. It is also the most expensive, but as with many things, cost is not necessarily a true reflection of quality.

There's still oil in the remaining just-pressed mulch! As pressure is gradually increased further, the next oil that comes out is the "virgin" olive oil. It has less color, but still contains some of the olive's fruitiness. Now you have pure olive oil with a mild flavor. Virgin olive oil does not contain less fat, it is just lighter in color and is simply a highly refined olive oil.

Next time you are at the market, you won't have to stare blankly at the olive oils and wonder what's what. You'll be able to confidently pick the oil you want.

Call today for a Nutrition Response Testing Analysis.  Not only will the organs and systems that are not functioning at 100% be identified, but we will be able to determine the precise dietary requirements your body needs in order to restore optimum health.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
(704) 523-2367

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Aqua Vitae

If you're drinking enough water, you're halfway there... now find out which water is best.  Proper hydration is at the core of wellness, so take time to get it right!

wellness image.Good. You’re exercising and drinking enough water to give your body the fluid it needs to properly conduct virtually every bodily function. But what kind of water are you drinking?

Tap Water

Of course it’s convenient, but what’s in it? Unless you enjoy well water that is tested regularly, you can’t be sure what’s in today’s municipal water supplies. Besides the chemical taste that comes from using chlorine to kill bacteria, the tap water in your home can contain trace amounts of herbicides, pesticides and minute amounts of industrial chemicals.

Bottled Water

Usually of better quality, bottled water comes from many sources. Normally it is labeled as having come from a particular source, such as a spring, glacier, spa or even a filtered and ozonated public water supply. Even though consistent labeling regulations are not in place, read the label.

Mineral Water

This is a type of spring water that means that the mineral content of the water has not been altered. Plus, to be called “natural spring water” it cannot be extracted from a spring, but must flow freely from its source and bottled at that location.

Sparkling Water

This is water with dissolved carbon dioxide, either from its natural source or added during the bottling process. Interestingly, carbon dioxide is a waste product that your body removes with each breath. Carbonated beverages (especially with added sugars!) may taste good, but aren’t very good for you.

Distilled Water

This is the purest form of water that is collected from condensing the steam from boiling water. Most of the minerals and pollutants have been left behind, leaving a tasteless, often acidic, liquid. Absent from distilled water are the important electrolytes that are essential for proper function.

Drinking enough of the right kind is important for good health.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
(704) 523-2367

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Women and High Blood Pressure

A lot of attention is focused on men and hypertension, but women get high blood pressure too.  Women have unique needs when it comes to high blood pressure.

Women's issues image.Besides reducing the risk of having a baby born with spina bifida, new research suggests that women who increase their daily intake of folic acid can also reduce their risk of high blood pressure.

The results of two studies presented at a hypertension conference of the American Heart Association examined the health consequences of over 150,000 female nurses. At the start of the 8-year study, none of the women had high blood pressure.

As in many studies, the women first completed detailed questionnaires about their health habits, physical activity levels and diet (including folic acid intake). Their blood pressure was recorded every 2 years.
Bottom line? Those who consumed 800 micrograms of folic acid per day (or more) had a significantly lower risk of hypertension.

How can you be sure that you get enough folic acid?

While folic acid supplements can be helpful, several foods are known to be high in folate, including citrus fruits, asparagus, brussels sprouts, spinach, baked beans, brown rice, chickpeas, kidney beans and lentils. Items rarely featured at your local fast food establishment or the frozen food aisle at your supermarket!

Ask about specific Whole Food supplementation that provides sufficient Folic acid in an easily digestible form.  We make supplementation easy and clear.  Nutrition Response Testing will accurately determine the specific nutrients your body needs to restore health.  Call for a consultation today!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
(704) 523-2367

Monday, March 7, 2011

Colic? Try Chiropractic!

Your baby screams, and nothing seems to soothe her... Can chiropractic help?

Children's issues image.Infantile colic is a persistent crying that affects as many as 20% of babies. Infants appear distressed and act as if responding to pain. They probably are in pain, but lacking language, they communicate in the only way they can: crying.

In a landmark project over twenty years ago in Denmark, a group of 316 infants suffering with colic were selected as part of a study. After thorough examinations, each baby received a series of chiropractic adjustments. Naturally, these adjustments were significantly different from the adjustments you are used to receiving.

The results? Mothers reported “no colic” or “colic improved” in 94% of the cases within the first several weeks.

Although the study, funded by the Vilhelm Krause Research Foundation, the Danish Pro-Chiropractic Association, and the European Chiropractic Union did not meet the protocols of the clincial tests that new drugs are subjected to, mothers reported a significant reduction in crying on the very first day of chiropractic care.

If your baby is suffering, why not give us a call?

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
(704) 523-2367

Friday, March 4, 2011

River of Nerves

Just what exactly is sciatica, anyway? How do you know if you have sciatica?
  • Pain in the buttocks or leg that worsens when sitting
  • Burning or tingling down one or both legs
  • Weakness, numbness or difficulty using your leg or foot
  • A shooting pain that makes standing difficult 
Backaches and sciatica image.If these symptoms sound familiar, you’re likely in your 40’s or 50’s and have pain when coughing, sneezing or any kind of movement. You probably have sciatica.

Like a large river created by smaller streams, four or five pairs of nerves exit the spine in the lower back to form the two sciatic nerves. The soft pulpy disc between each spinal bone is often involved. While a disc can’t “slip,” it can bulge, herniate or rupture. This can put direct pressure on the nearby nerves. The result? Swelling. Inflammation. Pain.

Depending on where the sciatic nerve is affected, the pain may also radiate down to the foot or toes.
“While sciatica can be distracting,” observes Dr. Hozjan, “if attended to promptly it rarely produces permanent nerve damage.”

The only challenge seems to be impatient practice members who expect instant results. Unlike artificial solutions such as drugs or more drastic surgery, the intent of chiropractic care is to help restore the proper relationships between bones, discs and nerves. This natural approach, relying on the healing ability of your body, moves at its own pace. Do you know someone who could be helped?

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
(704) 523-2367

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Get Your Head On Straight!

Carrying your head around all day is hard work! Do it right so you don't hurt yourself.

Headaches and neck pain image.Rene Cailliet, M.D., director of the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation at the University of Southern California, has written about the importance of the relationship between our head and our cervical spine (neck).

Gravity, poor posture, the weight of the head or past injury (such as a car accident) can cause something called the "Forward Head" syndrome. This is where your chin juts out in front of your shoulders and chest, causing stress to your spinal cord and brain stem. It’s crucial for your head to sit back, centered above your shoulders.

According to Cailliet, when your head is jutting abnormally forward, it can add significant pressure to your cervical spine. Besides fatigue, it can produce other health-robbing affects:
  1. Impaired lung capacity
  2. Loss of proper bowel movement
  3. Reduced vitality
  4. Chronic pain
Postural changes reduce your ability to turn and bend and can impair the function of your nervous system. Eventually the entire body can be affected, producing the telltale hunched posture.

Chiropractic care has helped restore the proper relationship between the head and neck for countless millions of people. But it takes time! The Forward Head syndrome takes time to show up and even longer to resolve.

Keep a keen eye out for people with this all too common condition and refer them to our practice for a no-obligation evaluation.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
(704) 523-2367

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stomach Bleeding and Kidney Damage

While the unintended deaths from high profile prescription drugs continue to make front-page news, there may be a far more dangerous drug problem lurking in your medicine cabinet.

Careful! Virtually every drug has a side effect!Every day, millions of people take an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) for quick, easy pain relief. Because these drugs are easily accessible, there is a dangerous misperception that they are risk-free. Problems can range from mild stomach upset to stomach bleeding and ulcers. This is because NSAIDs prevent prostaglandins from doing their job of protecting the lining of your stomach. NSAIDs also prevent the body's ability to stop bleeding.

Pain medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen are the leading cause of stomach ulcers and may cause side effects including stomach bleeding, which can be life threatening.

Prostaglandins are also essential for the proper function of your kidneys. The elderly are especially susceptible to kidney damage from NSAID use. A recent study of 114 elderly men and women who had just begun taking ibuprofen, a popular NSAID, showed that 13% were experiencing reduced kidney function. When taken in high doses, NSAIDs can permanently damage your kidneys.

Before relying on a drug, stop in for a Chiropractic adjustment and Nutrition Response Testing Analysis. Side effects include improved energy, increased vitality and enhanced well-being!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
(704) 523-2367