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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Whole Body Purification



High Cholesterol?

Digestive Complaints?

Whole Body Purification!

You could cleanse your body on your own without specially grown and processed supplements. All you would need to do is eat buckets full of broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, dandelions, burdock root, barley grass, fenugreek, juniper, clover, collinsonia and fennel – daily. Then you would need to throw in a few wheelbarrows full of buckwheat, carrots, chlorophyll, flax powder, alfalfa and more – daily. And of course, you would also need to consume proanthocyanidins and phenols from grape seed and wine.

Neither you nor I would enjoy doing this. In fact, it would be impossible.

It is that time of the year again – the perfect time to turn over a new leaf, to detoxify your body, to lose weight, to increase energy, and to begin to eat more healthfully. How would you like to lose 10-20 pounds in three weeks, lower cholesterol, decrease or lose the bags under your eyes (without a plastic surgeon), increase your energy and receive many other health benefits as a bonus?That’s what happened to me and that’s what can happen to you when you utilize a simple, short, and easy to follow 3-week Whole Body Purification.

Let’s face it, your diet and environment are loaded with toxins, chemicals and poisons – 80,000 are registered with the Centers for Disease Control. Your body does a pretty good job of eliminating toxins via its built in detoxification mechanisms that involve the stomach, small intestines, liver, kidneys, bowels, lymph system and more. When your detoxification systems (they all have long, biomechanical names) become sluggish you begin to suffer – with headaches, weight gain, chronic fatigue, poor digestion, food cravings, stuffy head, low sex drive, reduced mental clarity, troubled sleep, and finally disease.

So it is easy to see that by enhancing your body’s built in detoxification mechanisms, you are enhancing your health. Today, there are all kinds of “detoxification programs” for sale.  Some are effective, some are useless, they are all expensive, and many are simply cathartics,laxatives, and high dose synthetic nutrients. They can fool you because they cause frequent bowel movements, diarrhea, or lots of urination that you may mistake as detoxification.  

Yet there is a
 safe, effective, and inexpensive was to “clean up your system” and in the 3 weeks that it takes, you can lose extra weight and much more! During the same time, you will gain a new understanding about foods, diet, and detoxification, leading to long term weight control and better health.

Our Whole Body Purification Program provides the real whole-food phytonutrients which enhance all avenues of detoxification, built into supplements that can be taken with healthful meals and powders that can be blended into delicious shakes.

This is the real thing, proven by pre- and post- blood tests and scientific testing. Best yet, it is easy. You will be provided with simple instructions, daily support emails, over 300 recipes and everything you need to purify, lose weight and begin to regain your health.  

I do it, my wife does it, our friends do it and you can do it too.

If you don't take the time for your health now, you WILLneed to take the time for your sickness later on.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Jeremy Hozjan

Monday, May 14, 2012


The season of summer plans is upon us. Wherever summer takes you, consider packing an essentials kit to ensure each day’s outlook remains fair, no matter what the weather.  Many of us pack sunscreen, insect repellant and basic first aid items, but what are some other smart additions to the packing list. 


With bees buzzing and seasonal changes at their peak, be ready for increased histamine levels with Antronex.  Antronex contains Yakitron, a liver fat extract discovered by Japanese researchers that supports the body’s natural detoxification mechanisms.  Antronex supports the liver and body’s natural histamine response function.

You’ll also want to pack a bottle of Cal-Amo, which can be combined with Antronex for more immediate support.  Containing compounds useful in supporting proper acid/alkaline balance, Cal-Amo supports normal cellular pH and respiratory function.

In case you do have a close encounter of the insect kind, you might want to keep a container of powdered bentonite clay on hand.  With its drawing powers, bentonite is able to absorb and to soothe.  Add water to make a paste, smear the paste on a cloth and apply it to an area where the insect encounter occurred.  Cholacol II is bentonite clay in tablet form that can be crushed into a powder form.

Cal-Amo, Antronex and Cholacol II are part of the Whole Food Supplement line available in our office.


Consult with Natural Healing Expert, Dr. Jeremy Hozjan to discover how he helps people with a wide range of problems, from those that are merely annoying to those that are life threatening.

If you don’t take the time for your health now, 
you WILL need to take the time for your sickness later.

Call 704-523-2367 for more information

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Health Tips

All In the Wrist?

Pain in your wrist means there's a problem in your wrist, right? Maybe - maybe not.
Double Crush: Double Crush occurs when nerves going to or from the wrist are pressured in the carpal tunnel and the spine, shoulder, neck or elbow. Resolving carpal tunnel problems requires looking beyond the wrist.
The Tunnel: The 8 small bones that run from your knuckles to your wrist are called carpals. They form a "tunnel" for the nerves and tendons that control your fingers to pass through. If any of the bones forming this tunnel loses its proper alignment, nerve pressure, inflammation and pain can result.
Chiropractic May Help: In carpal tunnel cases, chiropractic adjustments often produce excellent results. If you have wrist pain, conduct this simple test. If the findings suggest further evaluation, email our practice using the link below, or give us a call: (704) 523-2367

Remember, your knees have to carry all that weight around every day!

Save Your Knees

A Canadian study found that 81% of joint replacement patients were classified as overweight or obese. But most knee problems can be avoided:
Lose Weight. Carrying around extra fat puts extra wear and tear on your joints, impairing function.
Strengthen Leg Muscles. Something as simple and inexpensive as walking or climbing stairs can do wonders to strengthen your knees.
Wear Supportive Shoes. When properly fitted, shoe orthotics help support the arches of your feet, giving your entire body a more stable platform.

Catch somebody doing something right!

Emotional Fuel

Giving positive feedback can be a powerful tool to reinforce a desired behavior. And it's a skill anyone can learn. Keep these things in mind:
Do it Now. Positive feedback is most effective when it is delivered as quickly after the desired behavior as possible.
Do it Publicly. While negative feedback should always be delivered privately, positive feedback is most effective when given in front of others.
Be Specific. Don't give a general, "Well done, Sally." Instead, identify the specific reason or detail that's prompting your acknowledgment. "Great presentation in the sales meeting, Sally," is much more effective.
Do it Often. Since positive feedback is "emotional fuel," don't neglect the small victories. Celebrate them too.
Be Authentic. Don't offer empty praise. Mean it when you say it!
Giving positive feedback takes practice. Today, be on the lookout and try to catch someone doing something great. You'll make their day... and probably yours, too.

If you don't take the tie for your health now, you will need to take the time for your sickness later on.

Consult with Natural Healing Expert, Dr. Jeremy Hozjan to discover how he helps people with a wide range of problems, from the merely annoying to those that are life-threatening.  

Call Today to take back control of your health - 704-523-2367!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How Well Do You Adapt?

How Well Do You Adapt?

Have you ever thought about the difference between something living and something dead? What changes the moment that we, or our pet or a tree stops living?
Scientists know that one of the things that distinguishes something that is alive from something that isn't, is its ability to adapt to its environment. A rock doesn't adapt. Nor does a fence post. But we do if we're alive.
We generally take it for granted, but moving out of the path of an approaching vehicle, perspiring when it's hot or squinting in the bright sun are all adaptations. These and the many other ways we adapt to our environment are governed by the integrity of our nervous systems - the focus of your chiropractic care.
While many see chiropractic care as a source of neck and back pain relief, our interest in your spine is because it's the most vulnerable part of your nervous system. Nerve interference along your spine can wreak havoc with your ability to adapt, accommodate and respond to your environment.
If chiropractic helps you with an ache or a pain, we're delighted. Sometimes less obvious is its ability to help you adapt and optimally perform mentally, physically and socially... which is the true definition of being healthy!

Nerves not bones

Bones or Nerves?

We live our lives through our nervous systems. Whether it's enjoying a sunset, digesting dinner or warding off an infection, our nervous systems control everything. Better nervous system = better life.
Our culture is focused on blood, such as pulse, blood pressure and cholesterol. Yet these largely result from nervous system directions. So even the smallest nervous system disturbance can dramatically affect the way your whole body works.
Since the moving bones of the spinal column are in such close proximity to the spinal cord, and the 31 pairs of nerve roots that branch out from it, many people think chiropractic is all about bones.
But I see myself as a nerve doctor, not a bone doctor. The spinal column is merely where we find the vertebral subluxations that are often the source of nerve disturbances between the brain and body. Reducing nervous system tension allows your body to work normally so health can return. Simple, really.

The Healing Power of the Mind

Question: What do the spells cast by voodoo practitioners and researchers testing the effectiveness of the latest drug concoction have in common?
Answer: The placebo effect. The placebo effect means the more you believe you'll benefit from a drug or procedure, the more likely it is that you will experience a benefit.
From time to time we encounter skeptics who dismiss the sometimes amazing results our practice members receive. Writing them off as merely the placebo effect, these cynics virtually ignore the mind/body connection that most forward-thinking health care experts are finally starting to recognize.
Placebo (from the Latin "I will please") is often a sugar pill or some type of sham treatment designed to specifically invoke the beliefs of the practice member, and in double blind studies, the beliefs of the doctor. Some studies show that placebos are 30% to 40% effective.
And don't overlook the "nocebo" effect!
Nocebo (from the Latin "I will harm") is based on the effects of negative beliefs. Telling someone to get their affairs in order because they have two months to live is almost a death sentence! Being "scared to death" or "worried sick" can be equally powerful expressions of our self-talk.
Is the success that chiropractic practice members enjoy merely the placebo effect? Hardly. Chiropractic helps newborns, infants and even pets, for which the power of the believing mind is difficult to explain.
As you know from personal experience, chiropractic results are real. If you know someone you think could benefit, would you direct them our way? We'd love to help!

If you don't take the tie for your health now, you will need to take the time for your sickness later on.

Consult with Natural Healing Expert, Dr. Jeremy Hozjan to discover how he helps people with a wide range of medical problems, from the merely annoying to those that are life-threatening.  

Call Today to take back control of your health - 704-523-2367!


Friday, April 27, 2012

Age Well

Age Well

Wellness image.
People are living longer – it’s a simple fact. And it certainly doesn’t appear that it will reverse itself any time soon. As we age, most of us want to stay as healthy as we can physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually so we can enjoy a quality of life that is optimal in our “golden years.” We want to age gracefully, not just get old. How can we do that?
  • Age actively, not passively - don’t let age get the best of you – make healthy choices that are purposeful and support your feeling good
  • Stay physically active – avoid the sedentary life style and walk regularly or get some type of physical exercise, stop smoking, avoid heavy alcohol and drug use, eat a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight
  • Exercise your brain – do crossword puzzles, take a course for fun, learn how to play an instrument, play board games that require thinking, create something new, paint, enjoy a hobby
  • Exercise your sociability – don’t be a loner, meet friends for dinner, or better yet, lunch (eating a larger meal midday is better), see family, enjoy the grandchildren, volunteer, help those less fortunate
  • Exercise positive thinking – focus on the good in your life, think positive thoughts, see the glass as half-full – what you think – you attract into your life – so make sure it’s good!
  • Stay in touch with a higher power – pray, meditate, attend communal services - those who engage in some type of spiritual activity tend to be healthier and happier – at any age!
Remember – the insides often reflect on the outside. If you want to look good – try feeling good and stay optimistic. Then the “golden years” really can shine!
If you don't take the tie for your health now, you will need to take the time for your sickness later on.

Consult with Natural Healing Expert, Dr. Jeremy Hozjan to discover how he helps people with a wide range of medical problems, from the merely annoying to those that are life-threatening.  

Call Today to take back control of your health - 704-523-2367!


Monday, April 23, 2012

Better With Breakfast

Better With Breakfast

Diet and nutrition image
You get up at 6:30, throw a bowl of cereal at the kids, or some toast, and get them on the bus to school, shower, dress and you’re out the door, ready to take on the challenges of a new day at the office by the time you arrive at 9. But are you? Think maybe you forgot something? How about breakfast?
Hard to believe that roughly 96% of people in a recent survey admitted that eating breakfast is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle, when their actual behavior demonstrates an entirely different story. Generally, most people have no consistency in their breakfast-eating habits. Some eat on weekends, but not during the week, some eat it on the fly (on their way to work, in work, or running out the door) and many skip it altogether - behavior that doesn’t fall in line with what they actually know.
After about 12 hours of fasting, your body needs some energy to switch gears from sleep mode to active mode. A nutritious breakfast gets your metabolism fired up and working and helps with the dip in blood sugar levels that can make you crave sweets mid-morning and reach for a sugary, high-calorie snack.
People who eat a nutritious breakfast are prone to be leaner and more energetic, have a reduced risk for type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease, and have better concentration when performing job or school-related tasks.
What does a nutritious breakfast include? Generally, one that includes some type of fruit or fruit juice, a fiber source (such as whole grain bread or cereal), and protein (eggs, yogurt, soy) is a good start.
If you are normally a breakfast “skipper,” you may want to try eating breakfast for a few days and see how you feel. You may notice that you don’t get that mid-morning slump and that your whole day seems better somehow. It might actually make a believer out of you when you hear that breakfast really is the most important meal of the day!

Consult with Natural Healing Expert, Dr. Jeremy Hozjan to discover how he helps people with a wide range of medical problems, from the merely annoying to those that are life-threatening.  

Call Today to take back control of your health - 704-523-2367!


Friday, April 20, 2012

Exercise and Target Heart Rate

Exercise and Target Heart Rate

Exercise and fitness image.
Staying within your target heart rate helps you get the most from your workouts.
If you are in any way involved on the exercise circuit, you hear a lot about target heart rate—achieving it, measuring it, and maintaining it.
Target heart rate is the goal you should attempt to reach when doing any type of aerobic exercise in order to gain the greatest benefit. It is measured as a range and, depending on your present level of exercise or fitness, you may want to start at the lower end of the range and work your way up. It is also to be used as a guide, based on age.
As with any type of exercise program, you need to keep in mind that target heart rate is only a guide. Because every person is different, you need to pay close attention to how you feel, your breathing, and your heart beat so you can avoid overexertion or straining yourself. In addition, you should not use target heart rate if you are taking certain medications (i.e., beta-blockers) or have a heart condition or other illness that could affect your heart without first checking with a health care professional.
Here is a simple formula to help you determine your target heart rate:
  • Subtract your current age from 220. The remainder is your maximum heart rate in beats per minute. (This general guideline is used for a person with a resting heart range of 70-85 beats per minute.)
  • Determine the 70% and 80% level of your maximum heart rate to get your optimal target heart range. To do this, multiply your maximum heart rate number by 0.7 and by 0.8. The numbers you get are your target heart range - 70% is the low-end number and 80% is the high-end number.
  • Learn how to take your pulse. The best places are on the carotid artery in your neck (halfway between your chin and your shoulders) or the radial artery in your wrist. Use your index and middle fingers to feel your pulse in either of these areas
  • When taking your pulse during your workout, count your number of heartbeats for 10 seconds and then multiply the number times six to make sure you are in your target heart beat range.
  • Try to stay within your target heart range for the duration of your workout. Take your pulse at regular intervals to make sure you are staying within the target heart range. If your heart rate is too fast, slow down a bit. If it is too slow, speed up or increase the intensity of your workout.

Consult with Natural Healing Expert, Dr. Jeremy Hozjan to discover how he helps people with a wide range of medical problems, from the merely annoying to those that are life-threatening.  

Call Today to take back control of your health - 704-523-2367!
