All In the Wrist?
Pain in your wrist means there's a problem in your wrist, right? Maybe - maybe not.
Double Crush: Double Crush occurs when nerves going to or from the wrist are pressured in the carpal tunnel and the spine, shoulder, neck or elbow. Resolving carpal tunnel problems requires looking beyond the wrist.
The Tunnel: The 8 small bones that run from your knuckles to your wrist are called carpals. They form a "tunnel" for the nerves and tendons that control your fingers to pass through. If any of the bones forming this tunnel loses its proper alignment, nerve pressure, inflammation and pain can result.
Chiropractic May Help: In carpal tunnel cases, chiropractic adjustments often produce excellent results. If you have wrist pain, conduct this simple test. If the findings suggest further evaluation, email our practice using the link below, or give us a call: (704) 523-2367

Save Your Knees
A Canadian study found that 81% of joint replacement patients were classified as overweight or obese. But most knee problems can be avoided:
Lose Weight. Carrying around extra fat puts extra wear and tear on your joints, impairing function.
Strengthen Leg Muscles. Something as simple and inexpensive as walking or climbing stairs can do wonders to strengthen your knees.
Wear Supportive Shoes. When properly fitted, shoe orthotics help support the arches of your feet, giving your entire body a more stable platform.

Emotional Fuel
Giving positive feedback can be a powerful tool to reinforce a desired behavior. And it's a skill anyone can learn. Keep these things in mind:
Do it Now. Positive feedback is most effective when it is delivered as quickly after the desired behavior as possible.
Do it Publicly. While negative feedback should always be delivered privately, positive feedback is most effective when given in front of others.
Be Specific. Don't give a general, "Well done, Sally." Instead, identify the specific reason or detail that's prompting your acknowledgment. "Great presentation in the sales meeting, Sally," is much more effective.
Do it Often. Since positive feedback is "emotional fuel," don't neglect the small victories. Celebrate them too.
Be Authentic. Don't offer empty praise. Mean it when you say it!
Giving positive feedback takes practice. Today, be on the lookout and try to catch someone doing something great. You'll make their day... and probably yours, too.
If you don't take the tie for your health now, you will need to take the time for your sickness later on.
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