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Friday, July 15, 2011

Are You Hungry?

Diet and nutrition image.Do you eat to live? Or live to eat?

The average person eats approximately 1000 pounds of food each year. Surprising? Maybe, but why do we eat so much and what is the purpose of food? Actually, food is the fuel that gives the body energy and almost every process that takes place in your body requires energy.
We eat for the following reasons:
  • Growth and Development – Babies, children, teenagers and even adults need food to grow and to replace cells and tissue in the body.
  • Support of Body Functions – Most of the processes that take place in the body (breathing, digestion, circulation, etc.) require a lot of energy, and food provides that energy.
  • Movement – Physical activity, from crawling to walking to exercise, requires energy as well. How much energy depends on how much activity is taking place.
  • Nutrition – The body needs vitamins and minerals to stay in proper working order. Food is the main resource for these essential elements.
In order to stay healthy and provide the necessary energy to our bodies, we need to eat the proper amount of carbohydrates, fat, protein, minerals and vitamins and in the proper proportions.

How much we need to eat depends on a number of variables, including height, weight, age, gender and activity level. It’s important to remember that excess fuel is stored as fat and excess fat causes obesity.
Good nutrition, along with regular chiropractic care, is a key ingredient in living a healthy lifestyle, and providing optimum functionality to your body. Think about that the next time you go to grab a snack, and make it a healthy one!

Dietary anaylsis is a key compnonent of a complete Nutrition Response Testing Protocol.  Call today to schedule your appointment!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367

1 comment:

  1. That's a very good questions and i agree with your post. I think I do a little bit of both directions.My first inclination is to say I eat to live, as part of our essential survival rests upon what we eat then when I stay alive, i must keep eating .. again to live.

    "Bellevue Chiropractor"
