Headaches have common triggers and many can be avoided.

The pain you feel when you have a headache is not located in your brain, even though it feels that way. The pain is actually sensed by nerve endings located in your head and neck. Many types of events, inside and outside of your body, serve as “triggers” that can bring on a headache. Knowing what most often triggers your headaches can help you avoid them.
The most common triggers are emotional (stress, anger, anxiety), food-related (eating processed foods such as perserved sandwhich meats, alcohol, nuts and dairy products), hormonal (birth control pills, menstruation, menopause), environmental (noise, air travel, changes in temperature or humidity), or physiological (illness, skipping a meal, overtiredness).
So, instead of reaching for the headaches pills the next time you feel a headache coming on, call our practice and have your spine checked instead!
Yours in Health,
Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
704 523 2367
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