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Monday, March 19, 2012


The cure for people with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and high blood fats (cholesterol, triglycerides, etc) is a combination regimen.  Any part of the program without the others will only result in partial success, frequently with the need for ongoing and debilitating prescription drugs.  However, when the entire program is in force, all drugs can usually be weaned and eliminated with the help of the prescribing doctor.

The Cure Begins

Step 1: Whole Body Purification
The Whole Body Purification program is a 21 day program that teaches you what to eat, why to eat, how to eat and establishes a new appreciation for food (eating to live rather than living to eat).  The program emphasizes complex carbohydrates, lean proteins and healthy fats.  Everyone, regardless of their current level of health, should do at least one Whole Body Purification per year.  Dr. Hozjan is available to discuss this program in detail with you.  Call 704-523-2367 or email 

Step 2:  Weight Training
Only when the muscles are taxed with resistance, like with weight training, can sugar be removed from the bloodstream without insulin.  Once this starts, the blood glucose begins to lower.  As this happens, the pancreas produces less insulin, decreasing high blood insulin levels.  This all takes place with a proper diet, as learned during Whole Body Purification, exercise and in the presence of correct nutrients.

Step 3: Supplement Regimen
People with heart disease and diabetes suffer primarily from deficiencies and imbalances of very specific vitamin complexes.  Ask us about the specific Whole Food supplements available exclusively at Charlotte Natural Healing that will help you achieve your desired goals.

Can heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and abnormal blood fats be reversed?  You bet!

Consult with Natural Healing Expert, Dr. Jeremy Hozjan to discover how he helps people with a wide range of medical problems, from the merely annoying to those that are life-threatening.

1 comment:

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