Sometimes what comes naturally... doesn't.
After a baby's first breath, the next thing it looks for is a breast. It happens quite naturally thousands of times a day. Except when it doesn't. Several such cases have been documented in the Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics:
A three-week-old girl had colic, flatulence and outbursts of crying for almost three weeks. A chiropractic examination revealed left foot rotation, folded left ear, restricted neck motion and jaw imbalance. Chiropractic care and CranioSacral therapy was begun. "We suspected that her posture in the womb was the contributing factor to child's physical asymmetry and subluxation pattern," observed the chiropractor. "By the fourth week of adjustments the baby began to breast-feed from both breasts."
Vaccination Effects
A 15-day old emaciated male infant, suffering from colic, crying constantly and unable to breastfeed since birth was taken to the chiropractor. The mother observed that her baby would "shake, scream and vomit during and after feeding." The infant had been given a Hepatitis B vaccination within hours after birth. After the first adjustment, there was a significant reduction of crying, screaming and shaking. When the baby had been symptom-free for five days he was given another Hepatitis B shot and the original symptoms returned.Cervical Subluxation
A 6-month-old boy with an aversion to suckling was evaluated in a chiropractic practice. An examination revealed asymmetry and fixation in the neck, signs of cervical subluxations. The suckling intolerance resolved immediately after the first visit and did not return.Your baby can't tell you, "my neck hurts" or "my stomach isn’t working right." That's why newborns deserve a chiropractic checkup to make sure their nervous systems aren't compromised from the birth process and a Nutrition Response Testing Analysis to identify any specific nutrients their developing bodies are lacking.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Jeremy Hozjan
(704) 523-2367
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